Saturday, July 7, 2012


Yeah, we can never go to that hot dog place again.
Archwriterer had a freak out. He killed EVERYONE in the diner with a spoon.
Out of all the things you could use as a murder weapon, a spoon is what he used.
Whatever, anyway I don't think we'll be seeing much of this town anyways if our plan goes trough.
We walked along the high way. The drivers were a bit rude, they kept giving us the finger.

Arch: I think that when we get to LA we need to find better clothes on you

Me: What do you mean?

Arch: Well, just the last time you were wearing this t-shirt things got awkward when you uhm *changed*

Me: You're still talking about that, let it go. So you saw me naked. It was ONE of my forms & it was a year ago. I doubt you'll see that body again. Grow the fuck up Arch.

Arch: I'm just saying it would be unnecessary to repeat that. A shirt that don't rip when you change gender, perhaps?

Me: Fine, but I'm not buying anything, I need to save up for a new toaster.

Arch: Toaster?

Me: Yes. Mine broke when you tried to kill it remember?

Arch: Right, sorry about that.

Me: Yeah...

Arch: Those freaking cars, what are their problems?

Me: I think it's the fact that we're walking on the high way.

Arch: Pff...

Arch is a bit of a out there guy, but it's not like I'm that much better. People have called us the The Simpleton Duo, that was our nickname in high school. Not that we attended high school for long, but still it kind of stuck.

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