Sunday, July 15, 2012


I've been wondering. Aside from the crazy stuff that seems to be happening with Somnam, The Master & the game and stuff I find myself conflicted.
It's that feeling that I really should trust Somnam and kill Arch.
If Arch wouldn't be behaving like a completely different person I would not even conciser the thought, but he seems so different now. This is not the Writerer that I have come to know and love.
As a friend that is...I think...
I guess being at this hotel waiting for Arch to return has made me sort of wonder about the state of things.
We started of on a mission from PuppetLover to protect Nolan, thanks to Somnam we're somewhere completely different and are not even thinking about that mission anymore.
We didn't even get paid, which makes me wonder how I'm paying for this room.
Perhaps I'm over thinking this, perhaps Arch has a perfectly good reason for going all ape shit. It's not that he's weird and is murdering people, he already did that before, but lately I feel like he's completely neglecting me which maybe the reason I'm more turned towards Somnam, who has on multiple occasions been there for me since this whole thing started.
These feelings are confusing me.

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