Tuesday, July 24, 2012

KHAOS begins I

Arch here again, I'm worried about the events that have happened lately.
Everyone seems to be acting strange and it is freaking me out.
Alright, this will get heavy so I'm going to skim over a few unimportant things.

KHAOS part I

The force field that was holding us captive here turned out to be a ploy of a being known as the narrator.
As Somnam explained it to me as I tried to punch the ever unliving crap out of him, The Narrator is a god-like being that appears to people as a voice, narrating their life.
The Narrator came to the Mootel and tortured Pandora.
Pandora screamed in agony and when I say screamed, I mean screamed so loud that one wonders how xer throat hasn't exploded.

Somnam was attacked by a tall man in a suit, like in those stories from the internet. Slenderman, if I recall right. Somnam seemed to be handling it OK, until Visitor, that freak from before showed up.
Visitor started to help Slenderman in his pursuit to murder Somnam, although I would be happy with that, I hate to see someone else kill Somnam. Somnam suggested that I'd turn into the Archangel again, before I could react to that insane idea he took of his hat and a small grey orb came out onto me.

Next thing I knew I was again the entity known as The Archangel. I was in my entire get up, including that gas mask of mine. I grabbed Visitor, punched him repeatedly and put my gun against his head.
He vanished and appeared behind Pandora who was still banging xer head against the wall from what I assume was a great deal of mental pain. I pointed my gun at Visitor's head. He smiled.
In an instant I pulled the trigger. The bullet flew across the room trough the head of both Pandora & Visitor. They seemed to have died instantly.

I changed back into myself after, I stood there over the massacre.
I don't ...t-thi-...

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